22 Design Studio Co., Ltd.

第四度空間鐘錶系列 時間切分度量了存在的進程,第四度空間時鐘則將如此的時間展現於三維空間之中。水泥構造一方面強烈宣示其物理存在感,另一方面,迴旋梯形結構中永恆變幻的光影紋理,恍然揭示了時間概念的神秘本質。第四度空間時鐘在精準報時的同時,卻將使用者悄悄引入了四度空間的國度。

The wall clock is the introductory model of our 4th Dimension Timepieces. Designed and crafted in 22’s workshop, this clock is the result of nearly two years of development and the skilled work of numerous experienced craftsman. The hand-formed aluminum hands and the sculpted concrete of this wall clock make this clock not just a useful timepiece, but also, a work of art.


尺寸 / Size:15 (Φ) x 8.5 (D) cm

材質 / Materials:高密度水泥、316L不銹鋼 / High-density Concrete, SKP movement

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