Penpo 是由三支尺寸各異,由玻璃、不鏽鋼和紅銅/黃銅管組成的 3 件式文具收納組,3 個獨立收納筒可分開使用,也可透過底部隱藏的磁鐵設計,收納成一座錯落有致的桌上「微型建築」。


Penpo is not an ordinary desk organizer, but a micro architecture built on your desktop. Three tubes of different materials, height and sizes with magnetic joints form a playful combination while providing maximum flexibility. With Penpo, pens, pencils and other desks tools can be tidied with elegance and style.


材質 / Material : 玻璃、不鏽鋼、紅銅/黃銅 / glass, stainless steel, brass

尺寸 / Size : Ø 9 x 13 cm

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