因水泥冷冽的手感,藉由木紋的樸實添加些許溫暖。 簡單俐落的線條襯托水泥的獨特個性。 低彩度的用色,試著用最基本的元素 ,創造出令人感動的力量。 從生活需要而出發的設計,以及讓生活裡的平凡事物變美麗的態度,希望以極簡的設計美感,讓作品呈現出生活巧思,彷彿在設計之外,還提供給煩亂世界,一個清新角落。

The plainness of the wood grain adds a touch of warmth to the cool feeling of the cement. The simple and distinct outlines mark the unique characteristics of cement. A low level of color saturation was applied as an attempt to create a touching sensation with the most fundamental elements. Inspired by life’s demands and the attitude to make ordinary objects more beautiful, this design hopes to demonstrate ingenious life ideas by using extremely simple design aesthetics. Hopefully it can offer a fresh corner to the busy world outside the realm of design.


尺寸 / Size : 40 x 40 x 43 cm

注意事項 / Caution : 請勿坐臥或站立於此商品,以免發生危險 / Please do not sit, lie down, or stand on this product to avoid dangerous accidents.

清潔方式 / Cleaning  : 乾布擦拭即可 / Please wipe it with a piece of dry cloth.

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