許多布質料的家用品或是舊衣料,雖然乘載許多回憶與情感,但已經不再適用於當下的生活。 轉生這個project,使用生活中的廢棄舊布料,經設計製程,製作出保有布面與絨毛質感的小桌,讓這塊布能透過另一種形式,以一種現代且充滿設計感的姿態,繼續存在生活空間中。
Fabrics can stay in many ways, this is one of it. In this project, I choose used fabrics such as old pillow covers and curtains as materials. The process creates an object that captures the sense and the pose of fabric in a random way. This is the reincarnation of fabric, a way for us to keep those good old and useless fabrics in life.
材質 / Material : 黑底藍絨毛 / black with blue fur
尺寸 / Size : 59 x 40 x 47 cm
重量 / Weight : 5 kg
劉軒慈 / Atelier Liu Hsuantzu Buy